Tuesday 16 August 2011

Vinelle Vaz

Independence Day

 The 'Times of India' on the occasion of the 64th Independence Day circulated a copy of its first issue in” India”.
     The euphoria of the people is unmistakable in this edition. It is a reminder to all who were born several years after the freedom struggle that perhaps our limited understanding of freedom and independence is falling short and hence we cannot see it for the gift it is or comprehend its value. Democracy and self governance is too precious to be squandered away by inactivity.
Twice a year, almost every year, people of all ages celebrate their Indian-ness. The rest of the year is somehow not connected to these at all. The suffering, affliction and apathy of the people not benefitting from the Status Quo makes all the patriotic sentiment that we claim to feel seem like a fib.
Sir John Colville, last Governor of Bombay called it the ‘Gateway to Free India’, a sentiment that many a migrant labourer has when he leaves home and hearth to come to the big bad city. They perceive Mumbai to be the city of promise and dreams where the people are supreme.
 Which people? I hear myself ask and what dreams?
Our city of dreams is a house of glass and everyday a new blow is dealt to its delicate façade as it continues to crumble into a million pieces.
We are a democracy governed by the wishes of the people, by a government of the people for the greater good of its people.
People people everywhere is what I see as I browse through independent India’s first paper. Once again I’m forced to ask myself which people?
Am I a part of those lucky people whose opinion matters, perhaps not. Maybe more because of my callousness and indifference that my inability to participate in the functioning of my country’s democracy.
A look at that edition stirred something deep within and for me it’s now time to change not dramatically , not a whole new me but I think I will start by filling up the cracks of discrimination and bias with love and acceptance.
Maybe next year I’ll further this effort with a court of a new outlook on the very day that filled thousands with joy and exuberance. Independence day then will begin to mean to me something more than a long awaited public holiday or an occasion to reminiscence and ruminate over the sufferings of those who sacrificed their lives  for my freedom , indifference and irreverence .

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