Sunday 11 September 2011

DO WE REALLY CARE?In the wake of the recent attacks in Delhi where nearly 50 people lost their lives,or maybe more ,the big question is if we really care? I am seething with rage and frustration first as a citizen of this country and then as a media student.Where does the buck stop?
In the recent years ,India has been a softt target of terror,with a spate of terror attacks,it is didifficult to tell which has been more gruesome.It just does not seem to end.In 2008 when th 26/11 happened,it was not just the poor or the middle class people who were attacked which is the case more often than not when terror strikes, but also the the high echelons of the society at the Taj and the Oberoi who were targets.There was a great hullabaloo,government like they usually do made false promises but failed, and failed miserably to live up to even one of them.The government still seems to be in a state of inertia.When will they get up and take stock of this situation?Do we need a terror attack all the time to beef up the security of this country?We as common people don't deserve any sort of protection or is just a privilege of rich to get Zsecurity.
India in the last few year has become an incredibly porous country and a soft target for terrorism.But that is a different debate all together.My question is what precautions is the government taking?Has the security improved or like 26/11 anybody can come here,take the city under siege,take lives and do what they want.Has life in India become SO cheap or the population to mammoth?Every time after a bomb blast,i am stringed to my seat and told not to venture out of my house if i want to be safe.Is this the state we have reached as a nation where safety is only about being at home?(even that seems unlikely now days).Why doesn't the government realize that we are resiliently by force not by choice.If there is a terror attack and we go to work,that does not mean we do not care,Its just that as a middle class person i cant loose my job and i have to work to earn that buck.You see we are part of no scams in this country so we do not have money flowing like the Ganges.We need money to fill our stomachs,why cant the government stomach that??
Unfortunately i can only vent out my frustrations as a common person,be discontented with the way issues are being handled,but as a media student i will go a step further and question-DO WE REALLY CARE??RESILIENCE JUST SEEMS LIKE A BAD WORD NOW.

idot box

                                             To live longer throw the Idiot Box out!
-          Amrita Mukhopadhyay
                      Who could actually think that there would be a study on TV viewing and it would actually conclude it to be as harmful as smoking or obesity. In today’s world where we don’t know what really reduces the life expectancy of people as everything seems to be hazardous to us,  if the television is to be also blamed for killing humans early, where will the prime time people go? Professor David Dunstan of the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia and colleagues seem to have found last year that if someone watches the TV for an hour every day, he/she has an 8% higher risk of premature death especially from cardio vascular diseases. Just imagine, without watching the TV, either for news, entertainment or sports etc, how the human race will survive. I would rather comment that they would die every day in today’s scenario if people are not allowed to watch the Idiot box. It has become such an essential and important part of people’s life like a basic necessity. I mean just try telling any house wife that they would be barred to watch Tv throughout her life, forget the cardiovascular disease, she would get an immediate heart attack and die. The point about this feedback to the article is that, there would be many studies coming out, but to stop viewing TV for a longer life? Nah!